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Connecting Dots of Divine Intentionality

A Never Ending Kingdom 

One Strange Rock is an attention-grabbing television series on Disney+ hosted by Will Smith. It’s full of the earth’s mysterious attributes—the nuclear furnace at our planet’s core, gushing volcanoes, acid-laced pools of boiling water, protozoan creatures, our life preserving ozone layer . . . and a land-walking fish that Will says “changed everything” in our ancestral pedigree.

Hmmm . . . not a bit of that last leap of science is supported by any fact-based account. Read Darwin’s Doubt (Stephen Meyer) and you’ll discover cavernous “leaps of assumptions” in evolutionary theory that even Darwin himself couldn’t counter. Smith also defends the implausible Goldilocks proposition which suggests that it was Earth’s fantastic “luck” to have possessed the perfect primordial porridge to sustain life—not too hot and caustic; not too cold and benign. According to Will, that happenstance supported single-celled amoebas that over time morphed into a walking fish . . . and eventually ushered in the human species! Really Will?

On another vein, I couldn’t help thinking that One Strange Rock was perhaps the best evidential documentary for a Divine Creator that I’ve ever seen. Mr. Smith connects the dots of creation through happenstance; God connects the dots of creation through his Word . . . and gives us a glimpse of Eternity to boot.  

The incarnation of Jesus is undisputed historical fact, even by Christ’s enemies. Gospel writer Luke connects more dots for us. “The angel went to her [Mary] and said, ‘You are highly favored . . . the Lord is with you. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. The Lord God will give him the throne of David . . . his kingdom will never end,’” (Luke 11:29-33).

The One Strange Rock gang is gonna have trouble with that; never end is biblical code for Eternity, so they’ll need to reconcile some new dots. If the cosmos was to melt down today, only one dot in your life matters—when tapped on the shoulder by Jesus Christ, did you bend your knee in willful surrender to him? If so, heaven’s Eternity is yours. If not, you will embrace a hopeless eternal dot.

I encourage you to read New Reader’s final blog post, A Life In Good Order . . . Eternity’s Signature. It comes from the pages of Metamorphyx and connects some highly unusual dots and personalities: a homeless drunk in Sydney, Australia; a spiritually on-fire pastor; and the simple wisdom of a NYC Fireman. Their dots connect . . . and can change your life.

Christmas blessings,