Partnership With the God of the Universe

“A Successful Splash-Up!”

(This post takes 2-1/2 minutes to read)

Launch of the Apollo 13 mission, April 11, 1970.

Launch of the Apollo 13 mission, April 11, 1970.

 I learned in a particularly difficult stage of life that “partnership” with God was my only pathway to survival. In Metamorphyx I liken that experience to Commander Lovell’s declaration on the Apollo 13 mission . . . “Houston we have a problem.” In that five-word phrase, the spacecraft commander laid it all on the line—the crew’s survival depended on a partnership with the Houston command center. Hand-in-hand, they were both wholly committed to a solution, a successful splashdown, and the safe recovery of the crew. 

The Apollo 13 crew. A successful splashdown!

The Apollo 13 crew. A successful splashdown!

In the movie Apollo 13, Cmdr. Lovell is played by Tom Hanks. Surely, you’ve seen it! It’s a fantastically entertaining, tension-filled flick that will have you squirming in your seat, even when you watch it a second time. Apollo 13 is also a metaphor of life. Who do you reach for when life goes off the rails . . . and when you’re not sure you will survive the circumstances in front of you?

E. Stanley Jones, a 20th-century missionary to India, summarizes this conundrum well. “Work like the solution is wholly dependent on you . . . and pray like the solution is wholly dependent on God.” Walter Henrichsen is a more modern Christian thinker and he doesn’t shrink one iota from a tough message to believers in our conflicted world. “God will never do for you what you can do for yourself. If our faith journey belonged solely to God, then much of God’s Word could [should] be ignored.”  Yes, the Holy Spirit is our eternal ally, but he will not move you off your favorite bump on a log if you refuse . . . you may have to muster the energy to stand up!

On the surface, you may want no more of Mr. Henrichsen’s bruising wisdom, but on a deeper level, you’ll discover that his pronouncement is biblically sound. For example, Philippians 2:12 tells us to “work out” [not work for!] our salvation.” Note too, that many of the admonitions in Scripture that refer to personal discipline and self-control (see 1 Peter) become merely words on a page . . . or worse, empty encouragement if we’re not personally moving from the perils of life experience to significant life change. Nowhere is that better said than in Romans 12:2. There, the three imperatives of life change can’t be dismissed: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Mysteriously pooled, God’s Sovereignty and human responsibility create the formula of life. Apollo 13 was just a passing snapshot of how that works. Watch the movie again. Both the command center and the crew worked feverishly for a solution. If either had sat on their hands waiting for a solution from the other, the crew would have perished and the mission noted as a complete disaster.

And so it is with life, though our Command Center is not Houston. It’s the Triune God in heaven who saves and points us to eternity. That journey is laden with challenges . . . and trials and tribulation which we must work out . . . not solely by ourselves, but in partnership with God. And just like a safe splash-down united the Apollo 13 crew with their command center after a harrowing episode in space, so does every child of God look to a successful splash-up to our eternal Command Center after our sojourn on planet Earth. There, we’ll be united with Jesus who I’ve always imagined is at the head of the receiving line at heaven’s gates. Scripture tells me he will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Come and share your master’s happiness” (Matt 25:23).

I also believe Jesus will acknowledge some rough and tumble chapters of life where I didn’t trust him. But from the moment I grasped the hand that he had extended to me . . . in partnership, I knew he was wholly committed to my eternal splash-up.

Advent blessings to all,  


“I am the Lord your God who takes hold of you by your right hand and says, ‘Fear not, I will help you,’” (Isaiah 41:13).


Note: “Metamorphyx Insights” are taken from Metamorphyx: Embracing Life Experience, Life Change, and Life Purpose. Each represents a significant learning or application on your personal Metamorphyx Journey. Find Metamorphyx on Amazon, B&N, or Apple iTunes.  

My wife, Jan . . . my chief Metamorphyx advocate and soul mate.

My wife, Jan . . . my chief Metamorphyx advocate and soul mate.